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Empowering Non-Profits

Driving Mission Success with Dynamics 365 Non Profit Operations

Our Expertise.

At Sunbridge, we understand the unique obstacles that NPOs encounter when trying to balance limited resources with the goal of making a significant impact. Our expertise lies in utilizing Dynamics 365 to improve various aspects of Non Profit operations, simplifying procedures while concentrating on achieving their mission.
At the core of our approach is the effective management of donor relationships and funding sources, which are crucial for NPOs. With the powerful CRM capabilities of Dynamics 365, we assist NPOs in efficiently handling donor information, monitoring funding trends, and implementing targeted communication and involvement strategies in Pune and Mumbai. This guarantees strong connections with supporters and an effective method for mobilizing resources.
Resource and program management is a key focus for NPOs, and Dynamics 365 empowers us to offer real-time operational insights to NPOs, enabling them to better manage resources and assess program effectiveness. This involves simplifying event coordination, volunteer management, and program implementation, allowing NPOs to concentrate on their primary goals while efficiently handling day-to-day operations.

Our Achievements

Improved CRM systems for over 100 NPO clients

Assisted 50+ NPOs in integrating comprehensive program management solutions

Implemented Dynamics 365 solutions for 70 NPOs, achieving a 25% improvement in resource utilization

Delivering solutions to key industry challenges

We unleash your business potential by maximising the innovation.

Addressing Limited Budget and Resources

Our focus is on cloud-based ERP systems that minimize upfront infrastructure investment and leverage potential grants and donations from technology partners, making state-of-the-art technology accessible and affordable for non-profits.

Streamlining Donor and Fund Management

We implement robust donor and fund management modules within the ERP system. This approach ensures meticulous tracking of contributions and fund utilization, alongside providing transparent and accurate financial reporting to donors, enhancing trust and credibility.

Ensuring Compliance and Reporting Efficiency

We configure ERP systems to support non-profit accounting standards and facilitate accurate fund accounting. This setup not only assures compliance with standards like FASB and GASB but also enhances the generation of reports that demonstrate financial transparency.

Simplifying Grant Management and Reporting

We leverage specialized grant management modules within the ERP system to streamline the entire lifecycle of grants - from application to tracking and reporting. This ensures efficient management of grant-related expenses and adherence to reporting requirements.

Enhancing Fundraising and Donor Engagement

For effective fundraising, Sunbridge leverages CRM features within the ERP system. This enables non-profits to manage donor relationships, track donor history, and conduct targeted fundraising campaigns, thereby strengthening donor engagement and support.

Volunteer and Program Management Optimization

We implement modules that enable efficient scheduling and tracking of volunteer activities, manage program budgets, and measure the outcomes of various initiatives, ensuring that each program aligns with the organization’s mission and objectives.

Managing Grant and Funding Diversity

We configure ERP systems to handle the diverse funding sources characteristic of non-profits. This includes tailoring reporting to meet specific grantor requirements and ensuring compliance and alignment with each funding source's unique stipulations.

Promoting Collaboration and Transparency

To maintain operational transparency and effective collaboration, we utilize the collaboration features within the ERP system. This approach fosters a transparent environment among staff, volunteers, and stakeholders, enhancing overall organizational efficacy.

Impact Measurement and Reporting

Sunbridge configures ERP systems to collect, analyze, and report data related to program outcomes and impact. These reports showcase the organization's effectiveness and are instrumental in building and maintaining trust with donors.

Ensuring Security and Data Privacy

Sunbridge implements stringent data security measures in the ERP system. This includes encryption, access controls, and compliance with data privacy regulations such as GDPR or HIPAA, reinforcing the trust and integrity of the non-profit organization.

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